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California passed several new laws that came into effect . . .

The more we know about the causes of car accidents, the more we can do to prevent them.

According to the Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS), a database that collects and processes collision scene data, the most common causes of car accidents in California in 2013 were:

  1. Unsafe speed: 48,050 injuries, 436 deaths

  2. Automobile right-of-way issues: 24,247 injuries, 215 deaths

  3. Improper turning: 21,863 injuries, 544 deaths

  4. Traffic signals and signs: 12,494 injuries, 138 deaths

  5. Bicycling or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs: 11,861 injuries, 568 deaths

  6. Unsafe lane changes: 6,521 injuries, 56 deaths

  7. Wrong side of the road: 5,257 injuries, 129 deaths

  8. Pedestrian right-of-way: 4,199 injuries, 97 deaths

  9. Pedestrian violation: 3,796 injuries, 432 deaths

  10. Following too closely: 3,587 injuries, 3 deaths

Souce: WB&S2023

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